Author Archives: Glenn W. Peterson

Articles by: Glenn W. Peterson

Protections available with a patent

Many individuals and companies in California have led the way in the development of key technologies, processes and products in their respective markets. If you…

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California state legislature addresses net neutrality

Home to Silicon Valley and numerous other technology hotbeds, some might say that California was essential in fueling the development of the internet. In the…

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What is the public domain?

When a painter, musician, writer or another type of artist creates a unique work, he or she typically gets a copyright to prevent others from…

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Design pattern at heart of trademark dispute

No industry, market or business may be truly free of concerns about competitors trying to gain advantages through unfair practices. This is part of why…

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Be on the lookout for phishing emails

Phishing emails are one of the great scourges of the internet. These emails are designed by malicious actors to look like actual communiqués sent by…

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How is trademark infringement identified?

If you want to name your business or a certain product or service you offer something special, you will want to pay attention to any…

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Drug makers continue disputes about patents

Companies have good reason to be concerned about protecting their intellectual property. It is often essential to their success in the marketplace and to retaining…

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Protecting intellectual property

Any type of business in California can have what constitutes trade secrets that they need and want to protect. As explained by the United States…

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A brief look at various online crimes

In the digital era, offenses involving the internet take a myriad of forms. Moreover, while some people may think that these charges carry relatively insignificant…

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Do you have to worry about copyrights online?

Many Californian residents – potentially including you – don’t actually know a lot about copyright law. This can be an issue if you ever find…

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