Author Archives: Glenn W. Peterson

Articles by: Glenn W. Peterson

Some internet activities result in civil and criminal charges

Intellectual property is big business here in California and elsewhere and most companies do what they can to protect it. Before the internet, this was…

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Apple couldn’t get past patent law at the U.S. Supreme Court

Anytime California residents use “VPN on demand” or FaceTime on their iPhones or iPads, they are using technology that the courts say doesn’t belong to…

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The internet continues to be a source of copyright infringement

Has it really been 15 years since two men registered a website called YouTube? The site exploded on the internet in recent years as more…

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Trade secrets are at the center of Hershey litigation

For businesses here in Sacramento and elsewhere to remain competitive in the market, it is often necessary to closely guard some, if not all, aspects…

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The downside of copyright law: not everything is protected

Business owners, authors, musicians and others who create books, music and other written works ought to consider protecting them as often as possible. Many people…

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Don’t give away too much when applying for a patent

Protecting intellectual property is a priority for many Sacramento inventors. Applying for a patent provides protections and benefits to them they would not otherwise have.…

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Understanding royalties in intellectual property litigation

After working hard to create or invent something, a California entrepreneur will want to protect it. This will most likely require obtaining a patent, trademark…

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New year starts with lawsuits over using photos on the internet

An increasing number of individuals and companies find themselves facing lawsuits for copyright infringement for using photographs owned by someone else. Even broadcasting companies such…

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Patent law dispute arises over inflatable heart

California inventors often find inspiration from other people’s products. Perhaps they find a way to improve upon a design or make one of their own…

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Would trade secrets or patents provide the better protection?

Often, a California company’s intellectual property gives it the market edge needed in order to become a success. Protecting that property becomes a crucial task…

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