Author Archives: Glenn W. Peterson

Articles by: Glenn W. Peterson

YouTubers could face blackmail re copyright infringement

The internet now provides a steady income for many people in California and across the country. Just a decade or so ago, no one would…

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How can you protect trade secrets?

As a California business owner, you likely have a trade secret or two to protect. We at Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, are here to…

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California appeals court takes unusual step in copyright case

Five years ago, the trustee of the estate of a 1960s rock musician filed a lawsuit against members of the band Led Zeppelin, stating that…

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Intellectual property and brand strength

If you are the creator or owner of a business in California, you may well have developed some asset that you need to protect. This…

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Important information before submitting a patent application

If you are an entrepreneur in a field in which you are likely to develop truly unique and new products, you will want to understand…

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U.S. and Taiwan companies come to agreement

For California companies across many sectors, the need to protect their intellectual property can be of paramount importance in today’s competitive global marketplace. The disclosure…

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Fair use and copyright law

California residents who have copyrighted work may think it has protection against all other use that the owner does not give permission for. However, copyright…

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Startup wins IP battle against major brand

California is the home to many major global brands but is also the hotbed of innovation. Across a variety of industries, there is no shortage…

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Is it possible to trademark a sound?

It is important for many business owners in California to forge a unique brand identity and protect it with trademarks. However, are there limits to…

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What is novelty?

It goes without saying that the process of applying for a patent in Sacramento can be incredibly complex. Yet of all the different elements that…

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