A 35-year-old sports gambler won over $2 million during a 33-game streak on the quiz show “Jeopardy!” Earlier this week, an episode of the popular…
A highly skilled worker for a technology company leaves to start a new, competing business. The former employer sues the one-time employee, now competitor, for…
California-based DC Comics has been publishing comic books and graphic novels featuring the character Wonder Woman for over 70 years. In the interest of protecting…
If you work hard enough on an invention that you secure a patent for it, then you obviously want to protect it at all costs.…
Californian entrepreneurs and business owners like you have a much wider audience now than anyone who came before. The age of the internet has brought…
When starting a small business, you may have designed a logo, brand or symbol to represent your company. You may have registered your trademark with…
Writing fan fiction is a popular hobby in California and most other areas of the country. While many writers create fan stories for personal enjoyment,…
If you own a business in California, you may have something very valuable within your organization that qualifies as a trade secret. If you do,…
For years, Netflix has built up its reputation as a purveyor of streaming entertainment. While most of its customers in California and around the country…
Ordinarily, if you create an original work of authorship in California and fix it in a tangible medium of expression, you automatically hold the copyright…