What Does a California Business Law Attorney Do?

Glenn W. Peterson

If you are a business owner or employer, a business law attorney could be a valuable resource for help with legal disputes, litigation, or other legal concerns related to the business. A good question to ask is,What does a California business law attorney do?” The answer is that such an attorney can assist with all matters relating to business law and can be a trusted advisor to any business.

An attorney can provide sophisticated legal support and counsel to help businesses form, finance themselves, and grow their influence. They do that by guiding their clients through each stage of their businesses.

Business Formation

The first step in creating a successful business is identifying the appropriate business structure. Given your resources, objectives, and goals, an attorney can advise a client if forming as an LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, etc. is the right option.

Once the structure is decided, an attorney can ensure that all the necessary legal paperwork is completed, signed, and filed correctly with the state. California can have strict filing requirements for businesses, so having an attorney involved from the beginning is critical.

Employment Issues

When a business decides to hire employees, it opens itself up to potential employment law cases. These kinds of disputes can be detrimental to a business’s operations and reputation. Whether you run an office, employ contractors, or have any other type of workforce, there are certain regulations that a business must comply with. California has some of the strictest employment laws in the country, and many of them favor the employee.

Some potential employment law cases that an attorney could assist with include:

  • Sexual Harassment: If an employee files a sexual harassment claim, it must be taken seriously. It could even be escalated if multiple employees come forward. This could be incredibly damaging to the reputation of the business.
  • Employee Discrimination: If an employee is alleging that they are facing discrimination, it will require immediate attention. An attorney can review the facts, look over contracts and agreements, and determine if the business is at risk.
  • Wrongful Termination Accusations: It’s not uncommon for terminated employees to file wrongful termination claims against their employer. An attorney can examine the circumstances to determine if there were just reasons for the termination and potentially stop the claim from proceeding any further.
  • Unpaid Work: Overtime laws can be tricky in California. Employees can file unpaid work claims when they work overtime and don’t receive adequate pay. Sometimes, these claims are necessary, but sometimes they aren’t. An attorney can advise a company through a situation like this.


Q: Do I Need a Business Law Attorney?

A: You may need a business law attorney if you are:

  • Starting a business
  • Hiring or firing employees
  • Buying, selling, or managing a corporation
  • Entering into a new business agreement

You could also use an attorney if your business is embroiled in a court case or other form of legal action. An attorney can help you manage all the legal aspects of your business. They can also be a trusted source of guidance as they advocate on your behalf. All businesses can benefit from the services of an attorney.

Q: What Does Business Law Deal With?

A: Business law deals with a wide range of laws and topics. Anything from the formation, operation, dissolution, and other activities of a business can be covered under business law. Common examples of business law issues include:

  • Taxation
  • Employment
  • Bankruptcy
  • Consumer protection
  • Intellectual property
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Antitrust law
  • Corporate governance

It can be challenging to stay informed on all these laws and ensure total compliance. Hiring a business law attorney can greatly relieve this burden.

Q: Can a Business Law Attorney Help Me Create Policies for My Business?

A: Yes, a business law attorney can help you create policies for your corporation or business. Engaging an attorney during the formation of your business is very beneficial. An attorney can mitigate against potential legal risks that you would otherwise be unaware of. Ensuring that all necessary paperwork is filed correctly, reviewing contracts, and protecting intellectual property are all areas that an attorney can assist with. Once created, an attorney can continue to guide you as you develop the policies and regulations for your business.

Q: What Are the Potential Consequences of Not Having a Business Law Attorney?

A: The potential consequences of not having a business law attorney are severe. Business closure, jail time, and fines could happen if the business does not follow the necessary laws or have a qualified attorney on hand to defend it in court. One of the worst things that can happen is for a business to be in its third or fourth year and discover that its formation documents were filed incorrectly, opening the business up to potential litigation.

Q: How Much Does a Business Law Attorney Cost in California?

A: The costs of hiring a business law attorney can vary, depending on the circumstance. One factor to consider is the fee structure of the attorney. Some attorneys may charge an hourly rate, and others may charge a flat rate. This fee structure could vary based on the location and experience level of the attorney. Costs aside, the value that an attorney can provide to your business makes them well worth the investment. Remember, more reputable and experienced lawyers could cost more than less experienced ones.

How Our Attorneys Can Help

A business law attorney is a necessary resource for any business. California business law can be complex and challenging for business owners and executives. You can’t be expected to have detailed and intricate knowledge of very technical fields, such as copyright infringement or franchise matters. The business world is often unpredictable. It’s critical to have qualified legal counsel on hand who is ready to assist when legal matters inevitably come up.

The legal team at Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, is ready and able to provide quality legal support for businesses and corporations. With over 65 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys can be the knowledgeable defenders and trusted counsel that you need. We have developed an incredible reputation, and we pride ourselves on serving the residents of California. Our firm can handle all the legal aspects of your business. Contact us today to see how we can support you.