Sacramento Intellectual Property Lawyer

Sacramento Intellectual Property Lawyer

Sacramento Intellectual Property Attorney

Intellectual property is a modern business concept that protects original work, such as an invention, piece of art, design, or name used in commerce. Individuals who create these assets find it important to protect them to ensure fair competition in the market and be rewarded with economic benefits. To ensure these protections are in place, hiring a Sacramento intellectual property lawyer can be a tremendous resource that can provide peace of mind.

At Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, we provide comprehensive legal services to help protect and enforce intellectual property rights. Our team understands how complex IP laws can be and dedicates our services to helping our clients navigate this legal landscape with confidence. Whether you need a patent application, are trying to register a trademark, or need any other legal assistance as it relates to intellectual property, our attorneys can support your efforts.

Sacramento Intellectual Property Lawyer

What Are the Most Common Types of Intellectual Property?

There are four main types of intellectual property that can help to protect different types of original creations. To ensure you secure the correct item on the list below, an attorney in Sacramento, California will assess the details of your work and make a professional recommendation.

These four different types of intellectual property include:

  • Copyrights. A copyright is a form of legal protection that is issued to anyone who creates an original piece of work. There are many different examples of “work” that fall under this category, such as books, music, movies, and software. Once the creator has secured an official copyright, they are able to reproduce and display their work without fear that someone will steal the idea for their own projects.Having this protection allows a creator to retain control over how their work is used or distributed to help them generate revenue through either licensing or sales. A copyright will typically be issued for the lifetime of the creator with an additional 70 years after their passing to help ensure long-term protection.
  • Patents. A patent is a legal form of protection provided to investors for their invention. Patents are only issued to inventions that are new and have not already been protected by another party. Once the patent is issued, the inventor has full authority to create more versions of the invention, use it for its intended purpose, and sell it to others.If they see someone else trying to profit off their invention or are trying to pretend they created it, the patent gives the inventor the ability to sue the other individual for infringement.
  • Trademarks. A trademark is issued to organizations to help protect their brand and logos. These visual indicators, such as a phrase or symbol, can help the market associate the trademark with an organization’s products and services. One of the most common examples of a trademark is the “swoosh” used by Nike. If there was any evidence to suggest that another company was using a similar swoosh to try and capture some of Nike’s business, it would be a trademark violation.
  • Trade Secrets. A trade secret is confidential business information that provides a business with some form of a competitive edge. When a trade secret is issued, it’s not public information. The protection actually relies on the secrecy itself. Some common examples of trade secrets include formulas, designs, patterns, or compilations of information that is not generally known to the public. A company will often implement strict measures to ensure that these trade secrets remain confidential. Strict security protocols and non-disclosure agreements are two common tactics employed to do so. If anyone were to share these secrets with an unauthorized individual, the organization has the right to pursue legal action. The penalties for this will be as severe as all the damages caused to the business as a result of the trade secret leak.


Q: What Is the Difference Between a Patent Attorney and an IP Lawyer?

A: The difference between a patent attorney and an IP lawyer comes down to the areas of their focused disciplines and qualifications. Patent attorneys have been trained to handle all patent-related activities, like how to file the application and represent clients before the patent office. IP lawyers cover a broader range of issues under the intellectual property umbrella, helping to solve issues with trademarks, copyrights, and more.

Q: Is Intellectual Property Protected by Law?

A: Yes, all intellectual property is protected by federal and state laws. For example, there is an entire dedicated system of courts and administrative agencies that solely focus on enforcing intellectual property rights when there are accusations of infringement that must be resolved. These protections help to ensure that all creators can secure the rights for their innovations and reap the financial benefits. International treaties and agreements also help protect rights across the globe.

Q: What Are the Consequences of Intellectual Property Infringement?

A: If someone is found guilty of intellectual property infringement, they will likely be ordered to pay a specific figure of compensation to cover all of the damages their illegal behavior caused. They also may be forced to forfeit any profits they made from the infringement activity and pay the attorney fees of the opposing party. Criminal penalties could also be on the table, with the possibility of being sentenced to prison in the most severe of infringement cases.

Q: Are Intellectual Property Lawyers Expensive?

A: The cost to secure the services of an intellectual property lawyer will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. The more complicated your case, the longer it will take to resolve. Every day your case is active means more money is being spent on legal services. Also, the more experience an attorney has in the intellectual property space, the more justified they will be in charging more for their time and effort.

Contact Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, Today

If you have recently created a new original piece of work or need help to resolve an intellectual property dispute, contact the experienced attorneys at Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, today. For years, we have helped clients with all aspects of intellectual property law and would be honored to take on your case and protect your rights. Contact us today to begin the process.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate

Labor & Employment

Labor & Employment

Litigation and Appeals

Litigation and Appeals

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Business Law And Litigation

Business Law And Litigation

Executive Contract

Executive Contract
