Sacramento Trademark Lawyer

Sacramento Trademark Lawyer

Sacramento Trademark Attorney

The concept of trademarks was designed to help businesses establish and protect their brand’s identity in today’s competitive world. This is to help distinguish their goods and services to customers from everyone else in the industry. A trademark can be a word, phrase, or symbol that can be legally protected to maintain a brand reputation while also preventing others from using it. A Sacramento trademark lawyer can assist with all aspects of the trademark process.

At Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, we understand how important trademarks are in building and sustaining a strong brand presence. It’s why our attorneys are proud to offer comprehensive trademark law services that help our clients protect their identity and hold anyone who infringes on their trademark rights accountable for their wrongdoing. If you need help securing a trademark or resolving a dispute through litigation, connect with us today for quality legal representation.

Sacramento Trademark Lawyer

Key Differences Between Copyrights and Trademarks

While many people use the terms “copyrights” and “trademarks” interchangeably, they are different concepts under intellectual property law. A copyright is a legal protection for an original piece of work. This could be for a novel, a new song, or any other form of artistic work. In contrast, a trademark does not protect a specific piece of work but rather is a protected visual brand identifier to help people understand what entity owns the copyrighted material.

If a company was issued the legal right to use a specific logo as its trademark, it prevents anyone else from using that exact logo. Unfortunately, this does not always prevent other entities from using the logo or a very similar design to try and trick the market into thinking their goods and services are under your name. Because this can cause significant damage to the original company, they have legal authority to sue for any damages this illegal behavior has caused.

Understanding the Trademark Registration Process

To begin the process of protecting your trademark, you will first conduct a national search of all protected brand logos and names to ensure you have a unique trademark to register. You want to make sure there is nothing else like it already registered to avoid infringing on someone else’s intellectual property rights.

Once the search is complete and you are confident that you have a unique trademark, an attorney can help you fill out an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. You will detail the specifics of your brand, the trademark, and the goods and services you plan to offer in the trademark application. Once it’s been submitted, the government will examine its details to ensure the new trademark request does not conflict with any others that are already protected.

Maintaining Your Trademark After Approval

Once your trademark has been registered and approved and you are able to use it, this does not mean your legal work with trademarks is over. As long as you continue to operate your business under the trademark, you will need to ensure that you maintain it throughout the years. This includes renewing your registration every five years, submitting any declarations of use, and holding anyone else accountable who unlawfully uses your trademark for their own benefit.

Maintaining your trademark can help your business flourish. It also provides peace of mind, knowing that your rights have been established and your brand is legally protected. To ensure that you never miss any trademark deadlines and keep on top of its maintenance, it’s recommended to keep a strong relationship with a Sacramento intellectual property attorney.

By working with a trademark lawyer in Sacramento, California, you can significantly streamline the process to maintain your brand’s visual identifier. They will consistently keep your trademark in good standing with the law and ensure your brand stays legally safeguarded while you focus on running and growing your business.


Q: Should I Use a Lawyer to File a Trademark?

A: Yes, it’s highly recommended that you secure the services of an attorney to file a trademark in California. This is because the average business owner doesn’t always share the same level of knowledge and experience in the legal requirements involved in securing a trademark. These attorneys will conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure your trademark is legally unique and will offer strategic advice to ensure it is protected now and into the future.

Q: What Legal Fees Exist to Secure a Trademark?

A: There are a number of different legal fees that will accumulate as you advance through the process of securing your trademark. This will include the initial consultation with your attorney, conducting a trademark search, preparing the application, and filing fees. More costs could arise if there are objections to your trademark or later on if you need your attorney to sue another company for infringing on your intellectual property rights.

Q: Is a Trademark Attorney the Same as a Patent Attorney?

A: No, trademark attorneys and patent attorneys are two intellectual property professions that cover different areas of the law. A trademark attorney is focused on protected brand names, logos, and slogans to help organizations distinguish themselves as they conduct business. A patent attorney secures legal protections specific to the actual body of work, like an invention, rather than the visual identifier of that invention.

Q: How Can I Monitor for Potential Trademark Infringement?

A: To monitor if anyone has infringed on your trademark rights, conduct regular searches of the USPTO database. It’s also recommended that you monitor the social media activity of all organizations in your industry and search through online marketplaces for companies that offer similar goods and services. To help ensure your monitoring is comprehensive enough, a trademark attorney can help fill in the gaps to ensure there are no companies infringing on your rights.

Contact Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, Today

If you live in Sacramento, and are looking to secure a new trademark for your brand, connect with the IP lawyers of Peterson Watts Law Group, LLP, today. We have spent years protecting the rights of our clients to engage in commerce activity in Sacramento without the fear that someone is infringing on their trademark.

We keep a close eye on all activity in the market and will help our clients sue for any damages caused by another party if they are illegally using a trademark. If you are looking to secure a new trademark or want to hold another brand accountable for violating your intellectual property rights, contact us today. We look forward to serving you.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property

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Business Law And Litigation

Executive Contract

Executive Contract
